Le Tradizioni Italiane Continuano anche in Irlanda…

Le Tradizioni Italiane Continuano anche in Irlanda… 

Italian traditions
Le pasta fatta in casa… le tagliatelle

La Pasta Fatta in Casa

Last Sunday I asked my son Kevin what he’d prefer to have for dinner and he immediately answered:”La pasta, mamma… quella che si succhia” (pasta mom, the one that you can slurp)! Certo, of course, I answered… buona idea! Our pasta ‘che si succhia’ is actually our home made tagliatelle. You might think that it takes long time to make tagliatelle from scratch, but it does not. We

Italian recipes
Ecco 2 cucchiaini di Xantham gum

discovered ourselves that this event brings our family together, it is fun and it takes only half an hour. In the old times it took much longer, though. I remember my grandmother making it all the time as I remember my mother making it…. sometimes (she was working). 

Italian home made pasta
Il Magimix, regalo di Natale molto utile!

BUT we do have our ‘asso nella manica’ (ace up the sleeve). Guardate le foto e scoprirete i nostri segreti (take a look at the pictures and you’ll find out our secrets). 

Italian cuisine
L’impasto! Dough!

I almost forgot that during the time we made the pasta… we cooked our ragù (you call it Bolognese…)… yes, we cooked our ragù in half an hour. This is a great recipe from my father… I’ll tell you about it soon possible!

Ps: la ricetta per la pasta is also coming soon! Carolina

Learn Italian in Cork
Gira la manovella! Turn the handle!



Italian pasta recipe
Mamma sto pulendo la macchina della pasta!
Finalmente dopo tanto lavoro... ecco la pasta che si succhia!
Finalmente dopo tanto lavoro… ecco la pasta che si succhia!


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