Why learn a language at a young age?

Italian leaving certI have been preparing students for their Junior and Leaving Cert in Cork for many years. Last year one of them told me something remarkably interesting, ‘I am very lucky Carolina (he  was talking to me in Italian, obviously) because I know many languages. I am not as stressed out as my classmates and I don’t have to work as hard as they do’. He took French (he is bilingual French/English), Italian (incredibly fluent and accurate), Spanish and Irish for his Leaving Cert and he passed it brilliantly. 

Learning a language at a young age is effortless and bears much fruit for our children’s future. I see how easily our pupils learn grammar during our Saturday’s lessons in Piccolitalia. Learning Italian at a young age through games, songs and presentations is easy, fun, and ensures the Italian language for life (grammar, idioms and traditions included). This is a gift that our children will be able to use, not only in Italy, but also to get higher marks for their Junior Cert and Leaving Cert. 

Our classes are on here in Blackrock and are held exclusively in Italian and are open to Italians and non-Italians.

We have two groups (for now). One for children with a little or no Italian (Gioca e Impara, Play and Learn) and the other for children who can understand, read and speak Italian or get by. I am very proud to say that 2 of our students in the Gruppo Scuola are coming from our previous group (Gioca e Impara), they don’t have any Italian relatives, their Italian grammar is amazing and they took their parents to Italy this year! Well done and well done to their mum who is helping at home. Please take a look at our Courses’ presentation, but remember that places are limited and we have very few left for our next academic year (starting on the 28th of September). 

To know more, check www.italiancork.com/155-2/

or e-mail a carolina@italiancork.com or ring on 087 9588375.

Italian for Kids

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