PS: we will be using ZOOM 😉
Grammar wise we aim to tackle the following topics:
- Passato Prossimo (ho mangiato al ristorante, siamo andati in vacanza)
– Revision Adjectives (primo e secondo tipo), possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, (il mio cane, la mia macchina, quel bambino, quella bambina, il bel vestito, etc.)
– Revision La famiglia nouns and rules
– Revision Verb piacere and few other irregular verbs
– Revision Prepositional articles (dello, nella, sul, etc.). We will implement them in new conversational tasks such as role playing in real life situations and listening activities.
Suggested level
This course is advisable for those who already attended Italian Beginners and for those who are comfortable with the present tense (mangio, bevo, vado, regular verbs and some irregular ones), articles (il, lo, la, gli, etc.), prepositions (a Roma, in Italia, in bus, etc.), the time (che ore sono? Sono le 5), numbers and basic conversation (place an order at the restaurant, talk about themselves).
Starting Night: Monday the 21st of March
Time: 6.30-8.00 pm
Duration: 10 weeks
Location: Online (ZOOM)
Course Fee: € 120
3 Payment options
Pay by Revolut (please include a note to specify which class you’re joining)
Revolut username to pay: @caroli31kd (in payments -> transfer)
Pay by cash (by post or drop in our letterbox if your local. Please specify which class you’re joining and your name)
Address to post or drop off to: 41 Ballinsheen Ct, Blackrock, Cork, T12HY59
Pay by Card
More info?
Email Carolina at or phone on 0879588375 if you have questions.