Italian for young students
If you are interested in your child attending Italian classes in a peer group during the school year 2022/2023 let me know. I am putting together a small group of students who already speak and understand Italian. They don’t need to be accurate or fluent, but they have to understand and be able to ask […]
Italian Beginners Online, starting on August 24th!
Italian Beginners classes have been running online for over a year and have been very successful: small groups, a conversational approach in a fun and relax environment are the keys for this success. Finally you can learn and enjoy our classes from everywhere in the world from the comfort of your home! Full course description: […]
New Italian Beginners Online
If you are interested, or if you have a friend or a relative interested in learning this beautiful and musical language for your next holiday or for fun, we are starting a New Beginners Online Class on the 23rd of March. Italian Beginners Classes have been running online for over two years and have been […]
New Classes Starting
Il Presepio – Italian traditional nativity scene
Ecco qui il nostro presepio! Here is our presepio and this year, we really worked very hard! You probably already know about the Italian Christmas tradition called Presepio or Presepe. It is the nativity scene that we build at Christmas’ time all over Italy. The first Presepio was ‘invented’ by San Francesco d’Assisi and it […]
How to excel in Italian on the Leaving Cert!
Great news for students who want to boost their Leaving Cert outcome, be more relaxed during their leaving cert time and learn a beautiful language of great use to their future either for work or holiday. I have been preparing students for their Italian Leaving Cert for 11 years and, thanks to my students committment […]
Italian Beginners Online, starting on August 9th!
Buongiorno, Spero che stiate tutti bene e che vi stiate godendo questo tempo italiano in Irlanda (od ovunque voi siate;-)Hope you’re well and you’re enjoying this Italian weather in Ireland (or wherever you are 😉 ) If you are interested, or if you have a friend or a relative interested in learning this beautiful and […]
Italian Beginners Online starting on August 9th
Italian Beginners classes have been running online for over a year and have been very successful: small groups, a conversational approach in a fun and relax environment are the keys for this success. Finally you can learn and enjoy our classes from everywhere in the world from the comfort of your home! Full course description: […]
Italian Beginners Online, starting on April 20th
Finally we have the time to learn Italian and we don’t even have to travel, but we can attend and from the comfort of our own homes! Italian Beginners classes have been running online for over a year and have been very successful: small groups, a conversational approach in a fun and relax environment are […]
Arrivederci Natale
Again this year, the 6th of January has arrived… the time to take down our presepio (nativity scene) and put all our little buildings, figurines and lights in our big box, and up they go to the attic. Every year our creation gets new pieces… this year we added a few mountains and a well. […]