Not too far from the Mole Antonelliana, we have an important ‘visit’ to pay to one of the most ancient cafés in Torino: Fiorio opened in 1780. It was also called caffè dei codini or “cafè ‘dle coe” (in Piemontese dialect) as many intellectuals, aristocrats and political characters/personages used to meet up or find their inspiration there. Among the politicians who visited were Cavour, Rattazzie and D’Azeglio, who were all important figures of the Italian reunification.
Florio’s speciality is gelato (everybody knows it in Torino) and the philosopher Frederich Nietzsche used to love it. We will definitely be able to find a great coffee, an aperitivo or that wonderful gelato… one for everyone in the audience!
For those who’d like to try a typical drink that was born in Torino… let’s go to the Bicerin café. It was opened in 1763 and right here was born the drink Il Bicerin, a combination of coffee, milk and chocolate served in a small glass with a metal handle (bicer in Piemontes means glass… from here the name bicerin –> small glass, in Italian we say bicchierino).
And then, let’s go to one of the beautiful restaurants in the city centre… maybe one which offers traditional Piatti piemontesi such as Il fritto misto alla piemontese (do you like fried brain? It is usually veal brain, delicious), la lingua in salsa verde (veal tongue with a great green sauce, buonissima) o la bagna caoda. If you’d prefer a more international type of restaurant or a pizzeria… you’ll be spoilt for choice and I will see you later… I will definitely go to the Piemontese one!