4 New Italian Classes are starting soon in the College of Commerce!
Italian Beginners, Italian Continuation, Italian Intermediate and Italian Intermediate Plus are starting at the beginning of October. Italian Intermediate Plus is a new format and a great opportunity for all students who want to refine and improve their Italian with the use of the Subjunctive. We will learn it step by step (a small step at the time) and we will have plenty of fun activities to consolidate and enjoy its use… tutto in italiano!
Italian Beginners
The beginners course is an interactive and engaging introduction to this beautiful language. Students are given a good grounding in the language through basic Italian grammar (e.g. definite and indefinite articles, prepositions, numbers, present tense, time), but more importantly they learn Italian through a communicative approach. In fact, students begin using the language right from the start using real life situations like greetings, talking about themselves and making a reservation at the restaurant.
Night: Wednesday
Time: 6.00-8.00pm
Duration: 10 weeks
Commencement Date: Wednesday 2nd of October 2019
Course Fee: €120 or €110 for those who enrol online at https://vecweb.vecnet.ie/web_aeccorketb/webbook/webbookcourse.html?loccode=19A
* Social Welfare 30% reduction in tuition cost * Old Age Pension 50% reduction in tuition cost * Proof of SW and OAP to be included with application
Italian Continuation
Topics explored during the previous course are extended and students are continuously encouraged to speak in Italian. New vocabulary and grammar are immediately implemented in new situations such as bargaining at the market, talking about family, weather, holidays and so on. Writing skills are also developed to consolidate students newly learned sentence structures.
Grammar wise we aim to tackle the following topics:
– Adjectives (primo e secondo tipo), possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, (il mio cane, la mia macchina, quel bambino, quella bambina, il bel vestito, etc.)
– La famiglia nouns and rules
– Interrogative words
– Verb piacere and few other irregular verbs
– Prepositional articles (dello, nella, sul, etc.). We will implement them in new conversational tasks such as role playing in real life situations and listening activities.
Suggested level
This course is advisable for those who already attended Italian Beginners and for those who are comfortable with the present tense (mangio, bevo, vado, regular verbs and some irregular ones), articles (il, lo, la, gli, etc.), prepositions (a Roma, in Italia, in bus, etc.), the time (che ore sono? Sono le 5), numbers and basic conversation (place an order at the restaurant, talk about themselves).
Night Tuesday
Time 6.00-8.00pm
Duration 8 weeks
Commencement Date Tuesday 1st of October 2019
Course Fee € 110 (€100 for those who enrol online at https://vecweb.vecnet.ie/web_aeccorketb/webbook/webbookcourse.html?loccode=19A
* Social Welfare 30% reduction in tuition cost * Old Age Pension 50% reduction in tuition cost * Proof of SW and OAP to be included with application)
Italian Intermediate
“Parliamo Italiano” is the motto of this course, as we will alternate a grammar class (held in English) and a fluency class held completely in Italian with different topics and some listening (we will sometimes use a language room with headsets). Students will develop their language skills through discussion, exercises and role playing while new Italian idioms and expressions will help students to sound more Italian in conversation. Students will be using Italian scripts to ask when they don’t understand (cosa significa ________? Come si dice ________? Non ho capito, puoi ripetere per favore? Come si scrive ________?), therefore the flow won’t be interrupted… we want to think in Italian to be fluent!
Grammar wise we aim to tackle the following topics:
– Il Partitivo (del/un po’/qualche)
– L’Imperfetto (io mangiavo, io andavo a scuola)
– Il Futuro (mangerò al ristorante domani, andrò a scuola l’anno prossimo)
– Il Condizionale presente (vorrei un panino, mangerei un gelato)
– Il Si Impersonale (si mangia bene in Italia, si vive bene in Irlanda)
– Molto: aggettivo ed avverbio (ho molti amici, Maria mangia molto)
Suggested level
Students should be comfortable with the present tense and the past tense (passato prossimo). They should have a good understanding of grammatical topics, such as masculine and feminine, articles (il, lo, la, I, gli, ecc.), prepositions and prepositional articles (di, a, da, della, dalla, agli and so on) and adjectives (la macchina è grande, il gatto è nero).
Night Tuesday
Time 8.00-9.30pm
Duration 10 weeks
Commencement Date Tuesday 1st of October 2019
Course Fee € 110 (€100 for those who enrol online at https://vecweb.vecnet.ie/web_aeccorketb/webbook/webbookcourse.html?loccode=19A
* Social Welfare 30% reduction in tuition cost * Old Age Pension 50% reduction in tuition cost * Proof of SW and OAP to be included with application)
Intermediate Plus
A new welcoming format for all students from the Intermediate who would like to progress with Italian grammar and learn the subjunctive from scratch and with plenty of time for practice, to express ourselves in different, more refined and articulated ways. Lessons are in Italian and we will largely use ‘Cosa significa ________?’ and ‘Come si dice _________?’ when we need clarifications. It is a great opportunity to learn the subjunctive through baby steps with plenty of activities to enjoy it! Read the rest to see what you think… in italiano!
Il motto di questo corso è ‘In Italiano, per favore’. Infatti, questo corso è tutto in italiano. Le lezioni di grammatica si alterneranno a Lezioni di Conversazione concentrate sia sulla fluenza sia sulla precisione grammaticale.
Durante questo semestre, dal punto di vista grammaticale lavoreremo sui seguenti argomenti:
-Congiuntivo presente e quando si usa.
-Congiuntivo passato e quando si usa.
-Uno o più argomenti grammaticali da ripassare a scelta degli studenti.
-Alcune espressioni idiomatiche formate da verbi e preposizioni (andarsene, fregarsene, arrangiarsi, cavarsela, per esempio).
Come potete vedere il programma di grammatica non è troppo fitto dense). Questo è per lasciare un po’ di tempo alla consolidazione di ciò che apprenderemo attraverso esercizi pratici per rendere più fluente l’uso delle nuove costruzioni grammaticali.
Durante le nostre lezioni di conversazione parleremo della musica italiana come del Festival di Sanremo, superstizioni italiane ed ovviamente delle tradizioni e festività tipiche italiane (e non), come il Natale, la Befana e ‘chi più ne ha, più ne metta’. Allora, siete prontissimi?
Night: Wednesday
Time: 8.00-9.30pm
Duration: 10 weeks
Commencement Date: Wednesday 2nd of October 2019
Course Fee: € 110 or €100 for those who enrol online at https://vecweb.vecnet.ie/web_aeccorketb/webbook/webbookcourse.html?loccode=19A
* Social Welfare 30% reduction in tuition cost * Old Age Pension 50% reduction in tuition cost * Proof of SW and OAP to be included with application